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Option B Discussion Guide

  1. Was there a specific passage in the book that left a strong impression on you, good or bad? Share the passage and how it made you feel.
  2. Sheryl writes, “We all live some form of Option B.” If you feel comfortable sharing your story, what Option B are you living?
  3. Is there someone you know who’s kicking the shit out of Option B?
  4. What did resilience mean to you before reading this book? Has your definition of resilience changed?
  5. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Why is it so hard to discuss hardship? What conversation starters have you used to talk to your loved ones about adversity? What helpful or comforting things have people said to you when you’re struggling?
  6. Instead of asking what you can do, Adam and Sheryl suggest doing something specific for people who are going through a hard time. What’s something useful you’ve done for someone coping with challenges? What have you seen others do?
  7. Have you experienced any of the “three P’s”—personalization, permanence, and pervasiveness? What strategies helped you overcome them?
  8. Have you been able to take back joy after going through a hard time? If not, what’s one thing you can try?
  9. What’s one takeaway from the book you’d like to share with someone else? With whom would you share it?

We encourage you to close your discussion by committing to taking action that will help you practice building resilience. Consider the following questions and share your plan of action with the group:

  • What strategy for building resilience or finding joy resonated with you?
  • What step will you take to apply it in your life?
  • How soon can you do this?

We invite you to visit to connect with others who are coping with challenges like yours. You can read stories of people who have built resilience in the face of loss, illness, abuse, and other adversity—and find information that will help you and your loved ones.

We also hope you'll join the Option B Facebook community for ongoing encouragement. By coming together and supporting one another, we can all bounce forward and find joy again.