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“Finding a grief buddy”

[0:00-1:04] Rebecca: Assign yourself a grief buddy. I talk about this a lot. Especially if you’re following Option B, or you’re in the Modern Loss community, chances are you know one person in your life to whom you can say “Oh my God I can’t believe I have to do this weekend again. Can you check on me, take me out, go for a walk, do something with me Saturday, go to a movie, can you make me laugh, can you send me the dumbest SNL video ever made so that I can laugh?” What do you need? Is there someone in your life, even one person, who can alleviate just a little bit that feeling of angst or anger or loneliness? Who do you have in your life to talk to about it even if it is in an online support group? Sometimes just spending one minute feeling like you’re being seen by somebody and acknowledged can get you through the next day, you know?
